Author: Babar Batla

What Are Sales Reps For?

by Babar Batla on July 31, 2017

What Are Sales Reps For? A popular meme in the software world today is to wear a proud badge of honor and exclaim: “We Don't Have Any Sales Reps at our company!” This mantra has even permeated the automobile industry where companies are offering “no-haggle” pricing in an attempt to eliminate or reduce the “used-car salesman” effect that turns off buyers. Many blog posts, articles and talks have been given on the topic of “how to succeed without any sales reps”

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Your Sales Forecast is Driving You Insane

by Babar Batla on July 28, 2017

Your Sales Forecast is Driving You Insane For years, you've done the same thing every day, every week, every month and every quarter. You've relied on the same tools with the same process hoping that one of these days, your sales forecast will magically be accurate. Instead, you miss the quarter, sometimes by a mile, sometimes just by a little – but you missed. Or, if you are lucky, you beat the quarter because of that one bluebird deal that came in

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